Monthly Archives: October 2015

Death, where is your sting? Pt. 2

By Jonah Ok, so if you have been living under a rock and haven’t read part 1, go to the archive and give that a read. Seriously. Go to the kitchen, brew a coffee or boil or dunk slosh or

Death, where is your sting? Pt. 2

By Jonah Ok, so if you have been living under a rock and haven’t read part 1, go to the archive and give that a read. Seriously. Go to the kitchen, brew a coffee or boil or dunk slosh or

Death, where is your sting?

Because Catholics approach death like Salvador Dali approaches art…yeah, think of that one for a sec.

Death, where is your sting?

Because Catholics approach death like Salvador Dali approaches art…yeah, think of that one for a sec.